General Info (en)

12-22 July 2014

Address: Venizelou 67, 65403, Kavala
Tel: + 30 2510-222.119 | Fax: + 30 2510-221.963
E-mail: | Web:

By submitting the application form, the participant agrees to abide to the terms and conditions laid out by the Academy.
Contact Information

Academy Office Contact Information
+ 30 6949.305151 / 6944.333401 / 6944.208395

Our website is updated daily by the organizers. Please revisit regularly for possible updates or extra clarifications, which pertain to the programming of the Summer Academy and the Competitions.

Registration is possible only through the online submission of the application form. The electronic Application Form can be found at the following address:  
The form must be completed in detail and submitted by June 10 at the latest, that is, by the deadline of the discount package – Early Bird (see below). Application forms by participating minors should be signed by a parent or legal guardian. Naturally, submission of application forms beyond June 10 (until July 10) is possible, however all discount packages are no longer valid. We would like to inform you that the number of participants in many master classes is limited.
Necessary prerequisite for registration is the deposit of the 50 € registration fee to the Academy’s bank account (see below), otherwise the registration is invalid.

Each student may be registered as an active participant or listener (upon completion of the Academy all students shall receive Certificates of Participation). Active participants may select between:
Ø  FULL SEASON = 5 lessons with 1 up to 5 instructors regardless of subject (e.g., Instrument & Theory). Active participants have the right to attend all other activities and lessons as listeners.
Ø  HALF SEASON = 3 lessons with 1 up to 3 instructors regardless of subject (e.g., Instrument & Theory). Active participants have the right to attend all other activities and lessons as listeners.

Students may select between four different packages, which include the registration fee, the cost of lessons and all accommodation expenses (if required). Full Season includes 10 nights and Half Season 5 nights at a hotel. All stated dates of arrival and departure shall be observed strictly.

Choice of Package
Half Season
including accommodation

12-17 or 17-22 July

10 July
270 € - Active

210 - Listener
Arrival 12.07 - Departure 17.07

Arrival 17.07 - Departure 22.07

5 nights including breakfast
Half Season - Early Bird
including accommodation

12-17 or 17-22 July

10 June
240 € - Active

195 - Listener
Arrival 12.07 - Departure 17.07

Arrival 17.07 - Departure 22.07

5 nights including breakfast
Half Season
no accommodation

12-17 or 17-22 July

10 July
200 € - Active

135 - Listener
Arrival 12.07 - Departure 17.07

Arrival 17.07 - Departure 22.07
Half Season - Early Bird
no accommodation

12-17 or 17-22 July

10 June
170 € - Active

115 - Listener
Arrival 12.07 - Departure 17.07

Arrival 17.07 - Departure 22.07

Full Season
including accommodation

12-22 July

10 July
450 € - Active

350 - Listener
Arrival 12.07 - Departure 22.07

10 nights including breakfast
Full Season - Early Bird
including accommodation

12-22 July

10 June
420 € - Active

330 - Listener
Arrival 12.07 - Departure 22.07

10 nights including breakfast
Full Season
no accommodation

12-22 July

10 July
300 € - Active

200 - Listener
Arrival 12.07 - Departure 22.07
Full Season - Early Bird
no accommodation

12-22 July

10 June
270 € - Active

170 - Listener
Arrival 12.07 - Departure 22.07

   Registration fee   50

Participants of the 3rd International Summer Music Academy may stay at the partner hotels (OCEANIS & NEFELI) at special rates. Rooms are double or triple, fully equipped with refrigerator, TV and air condition. Packages include breakfast (buffet).
Due to limited room availability, priority for room reservation shall be given to participants of the master classes & competitions. Partner hotels offer discount rates to parents or guardians who wish to accompany their children.
Priority lists shall be observed strictly, based on dates. Interested students must fill out completely the detailed application forms and indicate therein that they need accommodation. In addition, they may also indicate their wish to lodge with another student participant of the Academy. Please note that an application is valid only after the registration fee is deposited.
Deadline for submission of applications for the discount packages (Early Bird): 10 June 2014
Deadline for submission of applications (general): 10 July 2014
Our detailed application form contains options for daily meals (lunch & dinner) through the entire duration of the Academy (Full Season) or for one of the two periods (Half Season), at the cost of 8 € per meal. Package prices are designed by daily costs.
Participants wishing to enjoy daily meals should select the relevant package, which is offered in addition to all other expenses that include lessons, accommodation and breakfast.
Daily meals / buffet - Full Season (10 days)
Lunch   80     |    Dinner   80
Daily meals / buffet - Half Season (5 days)
Lunch  40    |    Dinner   40
No meals  

(Mark your selection with an Χ)

Deposit of Academy fees
The registration fee must be deposited by June 10 with the note: 3rd ISMA – name of the student (not the name of the parent or guardian). The remaining amount must be deposited by July 10.

Should you opt for the discount package (Early Bird), the full amount must be deposited by June 10.

If you will participate ONLY in the Competition, please add the note 3rd ISMA / COMPETITION – and the name of the contestant.
Registration Fee:  50

Account holder: Βe Artive  
Bank: PIRAEUS BANK | 5227-061002-289
ΙΒΑΝ: GR 78 0172 2270 0052 2706 1002 289

In case of cancellation, the registration fee may NOT be reimbursed

Aside from those attending the Academy, students who may not wish to take lessons at the Academy are also welcome to participate in the competitions.
A competition registration fee is charged in addition to the packages. It must be deposited by July 10 at the latest, along with the remaining amount. Contestants without their own accompanists may select freely one among the Academy’s piano accompanists. In that case, there is an extra cost including the rehearsal fee.

Chamber Music
1st & 2nd
Duo                     25 €
30 €
Trio                     30€
40 €
Quartet              40€
50 €
Quintet              50€

Deposit by 30 June 2014
Deposit by 30 June 2014
Piano Accompanist (instruments & voice)

The Academy employs three piano accompanists. Students who need a piano accompanist for the full or half season should indicate their selection. The accompanist fee is charged in addition to the packages and must be deposited by July 10 at the latest.
Piano Accompanist
(instruments & voice)

Full Season
Piano Accompanist
(instruments & voice)

Half Season


This year for the first time the 3rd International Summer Music Academy will operate the Summer Music Kindergarten.
According to child psychologists, musical activity should commence at an early age, when children’s response to sounds is still innate and reflexive.
We offer parents the opportunity to keep their children engaged for the duration of the Academy, by enrolling them in a Music Kindergarten class. Through specially adapted activities, games and applications that have already been tested with success on children of preschool and early school age (4-7 years), pupils will come in contact with the basic notions of music, the notes and the musical instruments. Through game, movement, singing and listening, the child unfolds its creative side, learns to receive enjoyment through music and enjoys learning music!
Thus, children have the unique opportunity to get a taste of the sound of these instruments, to attend concerts, to discover if they would like to learn a certain instrument – or simply to spend ten beautiful and pleasant days with their friends, engaged in creative activities. At the same time, parents will be able to combine their vacations in magical Kavala, taking advantage of the special prices offered by our partner hotels.
This initiative helps bring children in contact with the wonderful world of music in a joyful an amusing way through pleasant activities and active participation in small ensembles, using easy musical instruments.

2  package offers are available
HALF SEASON no accommodation. Deadline for deposit of total amount: 10 July. Discount packages – Deadline for deposit of total amount: 10 June.
FULL SEASON no accommodation. Deadline for deposit of total amount: 10 July. Discount packages – Deadline for deposit of total amount: 10 June.
   Choice of Package (mark your selection with an X)
Half Season
No accommodation
12-17 or 17-22 July

Deadline: 10 July
□ 200€ - Active
Arrival 12.07 - Departure 17.07

Arrival 17.07 - Departure 22.07
Half Season - Early Bird
No accommodation
12-17 or 17-22 July

Deadline: 10 June
□ 170€ - Active
Arrival 12.07 - Departure 17.07

Arrival 17.07 - Departure 22.07
Full Season
No accommodation
12-22 July

Deadline: 10 July
□ 300€ - Active
Arrival 12.07 - Departure 22.07
Full Season - Early Bird
No accommodation
12-22 July

Deadline:10 June
270- Active
Arrival 12.07 - Departure 22.07

  Reservation fee:  50

Special discount rates for parents and friends at our partner hotels:

Double                 45€ / night
Triple                    60€ / night
- Prices include breakfast. | Possibility for extra meals: 8€ per meal.
Double                 54€ / night
Triple                    71€ / night
- Prices include breakfast and half-board.
Hotel LUCY
Double                 85€ / night
Triple                    115€ / night
- Prices include breakfast.
Double                 225€ / night
- Price includes breakfast.
Due to high season, there is limited availability. Strict priority will be observed, based on the applications’ submission date.